I work with people and teams
who want more out of life and work.

You can contact me at vonnie@iamvonniealexander.com


Who do I work with?

If you’re anything like the people I currently work with, then you will probably have enjoyed a great degree of success already. And you still want to get more out of life and work – for yourself, your team and your family.

Why should you consider coaching now?

Perhaps you’re going through rapid change, facing up to new personal or corporate challenges, coping with growth (or its opposite) or simply moving into a new role. If you are, I can help you do it in the right way, right now, for you, your team and your organisation.

Coaching without action is just conversation. No matter how enjoyable it might be, it will never lead to the change you need. That’s why the tools and techniques that I use encourage deep engagement and action from clients. They work equally well with individuals and with teams. And they get results.

How do I do it?

You can’t achieve anything in coaching without trust. With trust, we can explore the topics and issues that require focus or that surface along the way. By listening deeply, I can help you, your team or your organisation to find out what your real issues are, and how to deal with them.

Where can I help you?

You can choose to work with me at your office or offsite. All that really matters is being somewhere you feel comfortable and have the time, space and privacy to say what you really think and feel. Many clients enjoy working with me at Mortimer House in central London. But it really is entirely up to you.



Who Am I?

I am Vonnie Alexander. In 2002, I set up the communications agency Kitcatt Nohr Alexander Shaw with my three partners and grew the business before selling it to Publicis Groupe 10 years later. During that time, I saw it grow, stumble through the global financial crisis, and grow again both in reputation and performance. 

The agency was my pride and joy not only because of the list of illustrious clients with whom we shared so many achievements - clients like Waitrose, John Lewis, AXA, NS&I, BUPA, Department for Health or Nissan - or the accolades we accumulated over the years, but also because of the culture we created. Even then, I instinctively knew the impact of a strong culture on  performance. 

In our current world of uncertainty and change this personal resilience is more valuable than ever. These personal characteristics, and some simple but powerful organisational attributes, contribute to a team’s resilience, its ability to survive, bounce back or thrive in difficult circumstances. 

My focus is on getting the best out of people and teams regardless of micro or macro-economic or social factors, on helping them create a strong, high-performing and supportive culture. And on getting more out of life too.   

My Training

I trained in coaching at The Coaches Training Institute (CTI). I use their models and methodology in my coaching. 

I am trained in Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI) with Organisational and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) – a marriage of systems thinking and coaching.  

I am a qualified Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) practitioner. 

I whole-heartedly adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Who I work with



If you'd like to find out how I can help you or your organisation, please send over an email to vonnie@iamvonniealexander.com
and I’ll be in touch.
