A Gift to Self

At any time in your life, time to reflect on what's gone and what is to come is a rare and important gift to give yourself. Use the questions here to guide you through the process. You will find it both illuminating and invaluable.

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Vonnie Alexander
How to nail virtual "not-networking"

Most of us feel at least some discomfort around the need to network; to keep going to events, pressing the flesh in service of our careers or our businesses; making small talk, hoping that we will find someone whose company we enjoy and fearing that we might be the wallflower on this occasion. In this Covid year, it has mattered more than ever. The possibility of a chance encounter has all but been removed and suddenly we find ourselves realising how very important it is to be connected, as we sit behind our screens…

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Vonnie Alexander
Coaching the children

How do we find the right way to speak up when that moment comes, the moment we become aware of our privilege or of subtle discrimination whether it be in the playground, in the office or in any public place? How do we do this without raging or getting angry, without accusation, judgement or recrimination? How do we speak up so that we are heard and so that change starts to happen?

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Vonnie Alexander
Change, but not as we know it

There is a low level of anxiety everywhere, a general malaise. We are worried about our jobs, the economy, about family, friends and colleagues, about the world after Covid, about the world before Covid. We are fearful of others we pass in the street. And we are grateful to people we normally don’t notice. Most of us are kinder, softer, more balanced in our perspective. We have started to appreciate simple things not because we wanted to but because we had to. The reason? Change.

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Vonnie Alexander
A different kind of leadership

When we return to whatever the future holds, in our new Covid-19 world, things will be different. The teams that come back to work will be different. They will be touched by grief and guilt. They will need a new kind of resilience, creativity and entrepreneurialism to rebuild and to grow the businesses, public services and organisations they work in.

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Vonnie Alexander